Friday, August 26, 2011

Popped my blog cherry.

SO! I guess I should make this blog more interesting, and write it in every once in a while about my gaming experiences. Since of course, this personal blog is going to be all about my gaming life! It's pretty much my second life anyways, most of my hard earned cash from my job goes to my lovely Xbox360. Right now, I've been playing a lot of Gears of War 2 since the third one comes out in a few weeks. Trying to level up in horde, but my job and social life has been in the way...of course! Not to mention, I do just have one TV and I do live with a roommate. It's been a while since I've blogged anything, anything about games. I used to have a 1up account and I used to write tons of blogs about the games I've played and weird scenarios via RP wise. But, the one item I can't wait to have is the fuckin  Gears of War Xbox 360.

Now that's what I'm talking about! It's a pretty penny, but I think of it as a early Christmas gift for myself. Before that comes out, I'm really looking forward to playing Dead Island. 

I'll be reviewing that game, but I know fersure that when Gears comes out...Dead Island will be placed on hold.

Till then, -holds up peace sign-

Now Playing: 

  1. Gears of War 2
  2. Left 4 Dead 2