Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Gears of War 3 Review

Epic, Madness, Emotional, Brilliant. 
So, I think this would be my second review on a game that I’ve gotten and beaten. Just campaign (Story), there are much to do on this Gears of War 3 game. So this won’t be some hardcore review, just the words out of my mouth of how amazing Epic Games ended the Trilogy of Gears of War. 
I loved it, started off pretty crazy with having the COG members already in battle with the Lambents (mutated Locust). I won’t go into full detail of the storyline here, because that would take up all night for me to write up! In other words, Fenix finds out that his father is still alive and off the COG goes to find him and end this war by his invention and defeat Queen Myrrah. I thought the campaign was exciting, so many new enemies that made me think for a bit of what game am I really playing. What’s also great about this game, is that its 4 player co-op! Then again, you don’t get to choose what player you can be though. New weapons such as the Retro-Lancer, having the assault rifle along with a sharp blade on the tip for some awesome execution to the locusts! Many more, and to have the option to wield a Butcher’s Cleaver is ridiculous! There were some questions that haven’t been answered in the game, but it’s not to the point where we can hate on the story line. Overall, it’s breathtaking and will not make you want to put  down your controller. 
Arcade Mode:
Arcade Mode is like the original campaign, but your kills will actual mean something! You earn points by killing the foes, then earn more metals and achievements by doing so! This will also level you up. 
Horde is just like how it is in Gears of War 2, but this time you will have to buy your weapons/ammo/barriers and post in order to defend yourself. It’s actual neat to have them implant the posts to where your team can set up traps such as turrets and barriers. In order to succeed in such, you will have to earn money! This is where your killing is involved! Make that money by your kills, and like how it is in the Gears 2 horde; you level up.
Enjoy killing humans?! Where this is your chance. It’s only 12 waves though, 12 waves of just bashing on the humans by being a locust of your choice. Just like in Horde, you have to pay to become a locust of your choice. As the waves progress, you get to unlock more Locust to become. Not easy doing this on your own since its timed. One minute on the clock, but the more humans you kill the more time gets added. 
Option Menu/Stats:
Arcade - Beast- Horde = metals achieved! Each has their own meaning, and you can earn them more then once! 
This game pretty much pwns my heart right now, been waiting for this for a while now and it shows how much work they put into it! I could write more, but I wont. 
Oh yea, there’s also a sad part in this game. So sad, that it ripped my fuckin heart out! :( hate talking about it also! But its ok…
So I don’t think there’s much spoilers in this review, just my likes.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Dead Island Review

well be up tomorrow probably, still playing through but I just might know what to say! :)