Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cross my fingers, hope for a new chapter in my life.

                                        WELL THEN!!

Seems like things are going ok for me, JUST ok...lets not jinx it for me. I have been offered a job at a school dealing with behavioral kids which is a DIFFERENT route for me come to think about it. Then again, I think it's a good route to take and it's something new for me to explore. I hope it goes well and make me love to come back to it everyday, I've been told it's a love and hate relationship job but I have all the patience in the world for this. I promise Cree that I'll be blogging more, and it's just been a rough week due to me loosing my battle buddy for about a year...I miss him.


So good, blog on that soon as well. :)

Games I'm playing as of yet:

  • Borderlands 2
  • Gears of War 3 (here and there till I'm Borderlands OUT)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Back into Gears!

       Gears of War 3| Mutators-Instagib Melee

So it has been a while since I've played this game, I do put in effort to play here and there but now for some reason I've gotten back to where the point where I just think about this game! Don't get me wrong, Gears of War trilogy is and always will be one of my favorite games of all time! I've been back and forth on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Minecraft.

I was playing with a good friend of mine on Horde Mode of Gears and he had some pretty sweet mutators that I didn't, and one of them was the Instagib Melee. Didn't know what that meant really, for some reason I thought when I melee attack someone I'm able to do some heavy damage to them. WRONG! Totally WRONG! This mutator gives an instant kill once you melee the other opponent! Which is freaking AWESOME, even though in a's a cheap move but it's handy in some ways. For example: It was wave 10 (Boss Wave) and was up against 4 Berserkers. Took down all those blind mofos with a hit! SINGLE HIT! IT WAS AMAZING!

Like I said, it was a cheap move, I mean taking down Grinders and Boomers with a hit! Party is definitely over. Since I've experienced something this amazing I just had to do it myself. Kill 200 humans as a Wretch on Beast Mode. Pretty simple in a way, if you have someone else help you down the humans you can get it in short time.

Still working on unlocking all of the achievements on this game and the Mutators. Going to be a long shot but hey, I think I still have time before Judgement Day comes out.

Games that I'm playing right now:

-Gears of War 3
-Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Video Games

Just a fair warning, going to be posting some Video Game reviews here and there. Games that have been OUT! So....yea. 


Saturday, September 1, 2012

back in action!

So, I just have to thank one person for getting me back into the loop of doing edits! It's been a while, but I think I haven't lost my touch just yet. Still, I think I should look into more tutorials of how to edit pictures as in color enhancements and what not! More brushes, more logos for some important people. I think I might just turn this blog into a multi blog where I'd discuss my gaming, edits, and my passion for floral arrangements!

Needless to say, I have a lot of working to do!

To that one person I need to thank, is Miss Cree!